
Institutional affiliations

Research areas
- computational creativity;
- computer-based assisted orchestration;
- deep learning for music;
- symbolic representation of sound;
- mathematical models of signals;
- physical modelling;
- audio indexing/classification.
Selected papers
Network Bending Of Diffusion Models For Audio-Visual Generation
(with Luke Dzwonczyk and David Ban)
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx24), Guildford, United Kingdom, 3 - 7 September 2024.
Audio Visualization Via Delay Embedding & Subspace Learning
(with Alois Cerbu)
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx24), Guildford, United Kingdom, 3 - 7 September 2024.
Reprogrammable Effects Pedals on the Daisy Seed Platform
(with Alois Cerbu)
Proceedings of the 2024 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Seoul, South Korea.
Computer-assisted orchestration: on the genesis of ideas at IRCAM (2003-2006)
(with Yan Maresz)
Book chapter, Handbook of orchestration, Oxford University Press, to appear in 2024.
Orchidea: a comprehensive framework for target-based computer-assisted dynamic orchestration
Journal of New Music Research, Fall 2022.
A three-dimensional timbre model via Peano curves
(with Daniele Ghisi)
Journal of Mathematics and Music, Spring 2022.
Synthesis by Layering: Learning a Variational Space of Drum Sounds
(with Elliott Waissbluth and Jon Gillick )
3rd Conference on AI Music Creativity, 2022.
Color and Timbre Gestures: An Approach with Bicategories and Bigroupoids
(with Maria Mannone, Giovanni Santini and Esther Adedoyin)
MDPI Mathematics 2022, 10(4).
Vivace: Web Application for Real-Time feedback on Piano Performance
(with Jeremy Lee and Helene-Camille Crayencour)
3rd Conference on AI Music Creativity, 2022.
Source Separation Methods for Computer-assisted Orchestration
(with Luke Dzwonczyk, Leo Chedin, Alejandro Saldarriaga-Fuertes, Max Sherr and Helene-Camille Crayencour)
3rd Conference on AI Music Creativity, 2022.
Dynamic Computer-Aided Orchestration in Practice with Orchidea
(with Daniele Ghisi, Yan Maresz, Alessandro Petrolati, Alexandre Teiller and Philippe Esling)
Computer Music Journal (CMJ), Fall 2021.
A Framework for Modifying Orchestral Qualities in Computer-Aided Orchestration
(with Daniele Ghisi)
Computer Music Journal (CMJ), Fall 2021.
Drumroll Please: Modeling Music Performances without Quantizing
(with Jon Gillick, Joshua Yang and David Bamman)
Transactions of ISMIR, Spring 2021.
Imitative Computer-Aided Musical Orchestration with Biologically Inspired Algorithms
(with Marcelo Caeatno)
Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Music (book chapter), Springer (2020).
A Study on Neural Models for Target-Based Computer-Assisted Musical Orchestration
(with Luke Dzwonczyk, Alejandro Saldarriaga-Fuertes, Hongfu Liu and Helene-Camille Crayencour)
Joint conference on AI Music Creativty, 2020, Stockholm, Sweden
Music Information Retrieval and Contemporary Classical Music: A Successful Failure
Transactions of ISMIR, Volume 3 - issue 1, 2020
OrchideaSOL: a dataset of extended instrumental techniques for computer-aided orchestration
(with Daniele Ghisi, Vincent Lostanlen, Fabien Levy, Joushua Fineberg, Yan Maresz)
ICMC 2020, Santiago, Chile
QuBits, a System for Interactive Sonic Virtual Reality
(with Jon Kulpa and Ed Campion)
ICMC 2020, Santiago, Chile
Kymatio: Scattering Transforms in Python
(with Mathieu Andreux, Tomas Angles, Georgios Exarchakis, Roberto Leonarduzzi, Gaspar Rochette, Louis Thiry, John Zarka Stephane Mallat, Joakim Anden, Eugene Belilovsky, Joan Bruna, Vincent Lostanlen, Matthew J. Hirn, Edouard Oyallon, Sixhin Zhang, Michael Eickenberg)
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 21(60):1−6, 2020.
Estimating unobserved audio features for targed-based orchestration
(with Jon Gillick and David Bamman)
ISMIR 2019, Delft, The Netherlands
Learning, probability and logic: towards a unified approach for content-based Music Information Retrieval
(with H. C. Crayencour)
Frontiers in Digital Humanities, April 2019
Open-source modular toolbox for computer-aided orchestration
(with Philippe Esling)
Timbre conference, 2018, Montreal, Canada
Deep Learning for Timbre Modification and Transfer: an Evaluation Study
(with Leonardo Gabrielli, Fabio Vesperini, Diego Droghini, Emanuele Principi and Stefano Squartini)
AES 144th, 2018, Milan, Italy
Previous years
Machine listening intelligence
International Workshop on Deep learning for music, 2017, Anchorage, ALASKA
Deep convolutional networks on the pitch spiral for musical instrument recognition
(with V. Lostanlen)
ISMIR 2016, New York, USA
Vuza: a functional language for creative applications
official web page here
ICMC 2014, Athens, Greece
Advanced sound hybridizations by means of the theory of sound-types
(with J.J. Burred) - audio samples available here
ICMC 2013, Perth, Australia
Sound-types: a new framework for symbolic sound analysis and synthesis
ICMC 2011, HUddersfield, United Kingdom
Nuovi approcci alla struttura armonica: caleidocicli e mosaici tricordali
In Luigi Verdi, Caleidocicli musicali - 2nd edition, Rugginenti, 2010, Milano (book chapter)
Harmonic Components Extraction in Recorded Piano Tones
128th AES conference London, United Kingdom, 2010
Towards a Symbolic Approach to Sound Analysis
Second international conference on Mathematics and computation for music, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 2009
Using the SDIF Sound Description Interchange Format for Audio Features
(with J.J. Burred, G. Peeters, A. Roebel and D. Schwarz)
International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Philadelphia, USA, September 2008
Recensione di Caleidocicli musicali di Luigi Verdi
Musica theorica Spectrum, Inverno 2006, Ed. Curci Milano (Italy)
Il compositore cieco
Rivista umbra di musicologia, n. 50 - 2006/1, pagg. 17 - 27 Perugia (Italy)
Il semplice sistema
Rivista umbra di musicologia, n. 49 - 2005/2, pagg. 43 - 51 Perugia (Italy)
Sulla struttura logica della musica
Rivista umbra di musicologia, n. 48 - 2005/1, pagg. 3 - 57, Perugia (Italy)
Presented at IRCAM for MaMux in Jan. 2006
An extended version can be found here
Sintesi per stati e visualizzazione del processo compositivo
(with F. Paolinelli)
La Terra Fertile, Proceedings, 2000, pagg. 87 - 89 L'Aquila (Italy)
Other materials
On symbolic representations of music
PhD dissertation, Bologna, 2011 - Presentation slides
A short description of the sound-types transform can be found here.
A more compact presentation given at Queen Mary University of London.
Referee activity/scientific commitees
EUSIPCO - SAT on Acoustic, Speech and Music Signal Processing
International society for music information retrieval (ISMIR)
EURASIP Journal of Audio Signal Processing (JASP)
IRCAM musical research residency program
Mathematics and computation in music (MCM)
Colloquio di informatica musicale (CIM)